[Tranvías y Material Rodante] : [fotografía] Chilectra

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Descripción Física

1 álbum (106 fotografías) : Fotografías monocromas, gelatina y plata sobre papel, cianotipos, 50 hojas de cartón; 25,2x 34 x 7,3 cm.



Estado de conservación: Bueno.

Álbum con estructura tipo libro con guardas y escartivana, de vistas, fotografías fijadas con adhesivo, encuadernación rigida y completa. Cubierta de tela color gris.

Letras color negro sustentadas en lomo exterior.

Álbum elaborado por Litografía e imprenta casa Mackenzie Santiago-Valparaíso

Contenido formateado

Trams., roll. stock, motor car, group #1-40, single deck, open summer N°1 -- Trams., roll. Stock, motor car, group #402-442 (Original) single deck closed N°2 -- Trams., roll. Stock, motor car, group #402-442 (Rebuilt) single deck closed N°3 -- Trams., rolling stock, motor car, group #101-215 (Original) double deck closed N°4 -- Trams., roll. Stock, motor car, group #101-215, double deck closed N°5 -- Trams., rolling stock, motor car, group # 101-215 (Rebuilt) doble deck closed N°6 -- Trams., rolling stock, motor car, group #216-223, #256-370, #236-255 double deck closed type N°7, N°8, N°9, N°10, N°12 -- Trams. Roll stock, Trailler, group #501-540, single deck open type N°13 -- Trams., roll. Stock, Trailer, group #601-650, #701-744, single deck closed type N°14, N°15 -- Trams., roll. Stock, car #532, 109, 179, 200, not repairable retired from service N°16, N°17, N°18, N°19, N°20, N°21-- Trams. Roll. Stock, motor car, group #101-215, double deck closed body of car #172 being rebuilt; later stages of lower deck N° 22 -- Trams. Roll. Stock, motor car, group #256-370, double deck closed body of car #302 being rebuilt; later stages of lower deck N°23 -- Trams. Roll. Stock, motor car, group #402-442, singledeck closed body of car #424 being rebuilt; Nearly Completed N°24 -- Trams. Roll. Stock motor car group #101-215 N°25, N°26 -- Trams., Roll Stock. Typical longitudinal bench N°27, N°28 -- Trams. Roll. Stock motor car group #101-215 tranverse seats style "1 and 2" on lower deck N°29 -- Trams. Roll. Stock motor car group #216-370 tranverse seats style "2 and 2" on lower deck N°30 --

Trams. Roll. Stock straight spindle brake N°31, N°32 -- Trams. Roll Stock - aokley brake N°33 -- Trams. Roll Stock Van der zypen & Charlier truck. N°34, N°35, N°36, N°37 -- Trams. Roll. Stock herbrand truck N°38, N°39 -- Trams. Roll. Stock A. E. G. Truck N°40, N°41, N°42 -- Trams. Roll. Stock H.H. Roecker Truck "Maximum" model for 8 whel car N°43 -- Trams. Roll. Stock A. E. G. Motor "U 101", 50 HP., 4 main poles, 4 interpoles N°44 -- Trams. Roll. Stock A. E. G. Motor "K. B. 300" 25 hp., 4 Main poles, No interpoles N°45 -- Trams. Roll. Stock A. E. G. Motor "U 158", 37 HP., 4 main poles. 4 interpoles N°46 -- Trams. Roll. Stock A. E. G. Motor " G. E. 58" N°47, N°48 -- Trams. Traffic. Heavy Mid-Day Load on route #15. Calle San Diego near Alameda N°49 -- Trams. Traffic. normal Mid-Day Load on route #16. Calles Bandera & Alameda N°50 -- Herbrand truck frame. Widened, Reinforced and arranged for heavier body springs N°51 -- Controller B. 43., spare part number schedule N°52 -- Resistance boxes AEG N°53, N°54 -- Trams. Roll. Stock. Series #101-215. Rebuilt 1921. Chasis made in Mapocho Shops N°55, N°56 -- Trams. Roll. Stock. Series #101-215. Rebuilt 1921. Body framing N°57, N°58, N°59, N°60, N°61, N°62 -- Car N° 901, arranged for inspection and quick repairs to overhead N°63 -- Trams. Roll. Stock. Series #101-215. Rebuilt 1921. Roof truss and stancheons in place N°64 -- Trams. Roll. Stock. Series #101-215. Rebuilt 1921. Roof framing, stairs, and platforms inplace. N°65 -- Trams. Roll. Stock. Series #101-215. Rebuilt 1921. Roof Stancheons, railing, and dashes in place N°66 -- Tram. Roll. Stock. Trucks, herbrand type. New modelchassis constructed in Mapocho Shops N°67 --

ARC Welding Mach. & Panels. 24 K.W. Gen. Set. Case Damaged Case #Y-4046. Req. #103. Item #1044. EX. Steamer "Santa Elisa" N°68 -- Tram. Rol. Stock. Trucks, Herbrand type. New model. Finished chassis constructed in mapocho shops N°69 -- Tram. Roll. Stock. Series #101/215. Rebuilt 1921. Finished car ready for service. Metal Workers. Mapocho Shops. N°70 -- Tram. Roll. Stock. Series #101/215. Rebuilt 1921. Finished car ready for service N°71 -- Tram. Roll. Stock. Series #101/215. Parts of chassis of chassis ready for assemby N°72 -- Crane car for cable drums. N°73, N°74, N°75, N°76, N°77, N°78 -- Trams. Rolling Stock. Motor car for cash collecting N°79 -- 10 Ton trailer for white truck. General view N°80, N°81, N°82 -- Ambulance for company's employees, interior view N°83, N°84 -- Motor flat car N° 952. Built in Mapocho Shops on A. E. G. Truck N°85 -- Trams. Rolling stock. Car 130 with upper deck bulkheaded for trial. Stairs protected by pent and acces to roof over platforms prevented N°86 -- Universal crane, requisition N°512, working at Mapocho cooling towers N°87, N°88, N°89 -- Trams. rolling stock. Car N°132 with semi-enclosed upper deck for trial N°90 -- Trams. rolling stock. Car N°101 with semi-enclosed upper deck for trial N°91 --

20 Tons car for Cia. Fec. Elec. San Bernardo. Constructed by C.C.E.´s shop N°92 -- Trams. Rolling stock, Ex-imperial converted to single decker. N°93, N°94, N°95 -- Trams. Rolling stock. view of platform of converted car. Showing new brake and door and step control. N°96 -- Interior view of trailer n°735 of series 701/744 seating capacity 28 converted to motor car N°433 N°97 -- Exterior view of motor car N°443 Ex trailer N°735 note extra long body springs and reformed axle boxes. N°98 -- Boecker double deck car of series 236/255 converted to single deck car with vestibule N°99, N°100 -- Car # showing framing affer removing upper deck N°101 -- Typical rotten timber from car# N°102 -- Typical car, series #101-217 after removing upper deck, repairing adding wind shield N°103 -- Typical car, series #401-442 after repairing and adding vestibule or wind shield N°104 -- Outside view of ex-double decker converted vestibuled painted yellow, first car series 316-370 with spring seats N°105 -- Interior view car #320 Showing new spring seats, reversible N°106, N°107 -- Cars 272 & 292 -corner and middle posts N°108 -- Car 272 - present condition of framing N°109 --


Álbum disponible en soporte digital.


Álbum que muestra gran variedad de tranvías eléctricos utilizados en Santiago.

Términos de uso y reproducción

Condiciones de uso restringidas. Consultar al Archivo Fotográfico y audiovisual de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile.

Fuente de adquisición

Material entregado en comodato por ; Enel. 2018

Datos biográficos o históricos

Enel es una empresa de energía global y uno de los principales operadores integrados en los sectores de energía y gas natural en el mundo.

En 1921 se fusionaron la Compañía Nacional de Fuerza Eléctrica y los bienes de la Chilean Electric Tramway and Light Co., que dieron origen a la Compañía Chilena de Electricidad Limitada (Chilectra), empresa que suministró energía a Santiago y Valparaíso.

Referencia Bibliográfica

[Tranvías y Material Rodante] : [fotografía] / Chilectra Chile : Chilectra , Entre 1920 y 1925. 1 álbum (106 fotografías) : Fotografías monocromas, gelatina y plata sobre papel, cianotipos, 50 hojas de cartón; 25,2x 34 x 7,3 cm. .


Autor: Chilectra Metropolitana S.A.

Colección: Archivo Fotográfico / Archivo Histórico ENEL

Materias: Empresas eléctricas - Calles - Santiago (Chile : Comuna) - Electrificación - Tranvías

Género: Álbumes de fotografías

Año: 1920

Datos de publicación: Chile : Chilectra , Entre 1920 y 1925.

Tipo de acceso: Acceso en línea

BN Código: AF0014479

N° Sistema: 1161219

BND id: 554150

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