To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather.
![To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather. To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather.](articles-353149_thumbnail.jpg)
![To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather. To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather.](articles-353149_thumbnail.thumb_iLandscape.jpg)
![To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather. To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather.](articles-353149_thumbnail.thumb.jpg)
Descripción Física
1 mapa : blanco y negro ; 65 x 82 cm.
Forma física adicional disponible
Disponible en formato digital.
Reproducción electrónica. Santiago, Chile : Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Laboratorio Digital, 2017. Objeto digital: MP0006493
Términos de uso y reproducción
Acceso en línea (dominio público) sin restricción de reproducción.
Referencia Bibliográfica
To the Merchants, and Masters of Vessels. Employed in the Coasting Trade &c. This Chart of the East Coast of England Is most respectfully dedicated by Their obliged and humble Servant / [material cartográfico] : Wm. Heather. London : [Publish'd as the Act directs, by W. Heather at the Navigation Warehouse], 1802. 1 mapa : blanco y negro ; 65 x 82 cm. .
Autor Secundario: Heather, William, 1790-1812
Colección: Mapoteca / Mapas Extranjeros
Materias: Cartas náuticas
Tipo de objeto: Material cartográfico
Año: 1802
Datos de publicación: London : [Publish'd as the Act directs, by W. Heather at the Navigation Warehouse], 1802.
Tipo de acceso: Acceso en línea
BN Código: MP0006493
N° Sistema: 1123383
BND id: 353149